Friday, February 24, 2012

So, what made ne decide to write a book?
There's no easy answer to that.
They say there's a book in everyone and thats probably true. But it's doing something about it that's important. Out of the millions of people who have a story in them, its only a relative few who sit down and do something about it.
And when I say, "Do something about it", I don't mean just sit down in front of a computer one day and starting to write, oh no, I mean doing something about it in a way that achieves results!
For me, I knew I had a good concept, a concept I'd built up over the thirty years I spent in the Military and Police Force. I knew I'd like to apply that concept in an increasingly popular genre, Sci/Fi-Fantasy. But theres a hell of a lot of Sci-Fi & Fantasy out there filling the shelves, and I didnt want my story to just fade into the background.
So - I did my homework. The majority of fantasy today ranges between two common poles, with wizards and witches and schools of magic at one end, and vampires and werewolves at the other.
Don't get me wrong, theres nothing wrong about that, it's extremely popular, and when it's written well it never gets boring. But I wanted something different, something fresh, so I was glad I'd devised a concept that people would be able to relate to, based on real life.
I can't remember the amount of accidents and death I've had to deal with. - even in my own life, and I often used to wonder, what would have happened if we'd got there sooner? What if we had the ability or resources to anticipate tragedy before it happens, or the capacity to respond to it much more quickly when it did happen?
What IF we could undo some of the harm caused?
What would happen if an organisation existed that was able to respond to global emergencies and disasters as they were happening, staffed by exceptional beings with advanced technology?
How would the world react? Would they welcome such ones? View them as a threat? How would they impact on society?
Thus, the "Guardians" concept was born, and I was ready to start putting things on paper.
How did I do that?
Thats for next time! - See you then.

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