Thursday, October 7, 2021

 Fan-tastic Goings-On Over At Fanbase Press

I've always been a fan of Fanbase Press, and have followed them for a number of years. So long, in fact, that I remember when they were called Fanboy Comics. And really, who wouldn't be a follower? Fanbase Press are an award-winning comic book publisher and geek culture website.
They celebrate fandom in all its guises; produce new and distinctive works; and conduct interviews, reviews and podcasts that span the whole spectrum of everything and anything that is uber-cool.

And THAT's why I was particularly pleased to be interviewed by none other than Fanbase's Editor-in-Chief, Barbra Dillon regarding the recent release of my latest book:

IX Genesis

A IX Origins Novel

Why not take a trip over to Fanbase Press and see what happened as I chat with Barbra regarding aspects of my writing process, my inspiration, and discuss the impact stories can have on readers, and why authors should always strive to look beyond the simple entertainment factor of storytelling so that they can really connect with the hearts and minds of their followers.

It's all good stuff.
And it can all be found here, at. . .

Fanbase Press

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