Friday, August 20, 2021

 Enjoy My Glimpse Into The Past

With. . .

Mistborn Secret History

In Mistborn Secret History, Brandon Sanderson adds a wealth of hitherto unknown details to the Mistborn and Wax and Wayne sagas.

Here’s a snippet of what you can expect:


Mistborn: Secret History is a companion story to the original Mistborn trilogy.

As such, it contains HUGE SPOILERS for the books Mistborn (the Final Empire), The Well of Ascension, and The Hero of Ages. It also contains very minor spoilers for the book The Bands of Mourning.

Mistborn: Secret History builds upon the characterization, events, and worldbuilding of the original trilogy. Reading it without that background will be a confusing process at best.

In short, this isn’t the place to start your journey into Mistborn. (Though if you have read the trilogy—but it has been a while—you should be just fine, so long as you remember the characters and the general plot of the books.)

Saying anything more here risks revealing too much. Even knowledge of this story’s existence is, in a way, a spoiler.

There’s always another secret.


Rather tight-lipped isn’t it? That’s because to do otherwise would – as it so plainly explains – spoil what’s in store for those who haven’t yet read the opening six books. And as someone who hates to reveal any form of spoiler, I totally agree. So, be reassured by the last line: There’s always another secret.

And what a secret it is!

Before I go any further, I would say that, if you haven’t already, ensure you read the original Mistborn and Wax & Wayne adventures first. And as you do so, keep an eye out for ‘things’ that don’t quite add up. Things that make you stop and think or suspect, ‘hang on, what else might be going on?’

Because they ARE there. Little teasers of something else. Something bigger. Something . . . secret. And just what those niggles in the back of your mind might relate to is laid bare in this companion story. Yes, Sanderson has achieved something of a gem with this novella, as it lifts the veil, allowing us to peek into behind the scene developments that we suspected were taking place all along. And now we know about them, it feels as if a void has been filled. Like a comfy pair of slippers that fit ‘right.’

Personally, I rather enjoyed this step back – and through – time. The revelations it contains are evocative, mind-blowing, and fully satisfying, providing a number of ‘I knew it' moments that will leave you eager for the concluding story: The Lost Metal.

And better still, you’re introduced to characters you won’t meet for real just yet. Characters you know will take the story arc into new and exciting territory when we eventually get to the finale.

Treat yourself. It’s always better to see the bigger picture.

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