Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Weight Off my Shoulders.

Phew! What a busy few months I've had. I've been completing the final book of the Cambion Journals - Embrace of the Incubus. Finalizing the edits of the first book of that series itself - Rage of Augustus, and seeing it safely into its launch. And, my publishers at Ishtar Press, have also kept me occupied with the edits for Heart of the Storm, a short story that will appear in a "Love of the Gods" anthology.
On top of that, I've been putting one or two articles together for, and, getting well into a few experimental pieces for several Sci-Fi magazines. (More to follow).
And now?

Let's just say - I'm going to relax a bit...
But after that?
I've got the plot map to beef out for the next and final Guardians Trilogy, which will see their story come to the close. I have two major concepts I'm laying out the framework for - (Quite excited)
One is a stand alone Steampunk style Sci-Fi adventure inspired by the lost 9th Legion of Rome, and the other is going to be a paranormal fantasy adventure about Tai'Jian Knights.
I can't wait.
But in the mean time, don't forget.
Book 1 of the Cambion journals - Rage of Augustus is out now

Here are a few links...
Barnes and Noble:
And, October will see the release of the second book in the Guardian Series - cunningly entitled, Guardians.
(Cover release soon)
So, if you're looking for advice as to what to read next, just listen to the sage advice of this old master when it comes to my latest release...

As you know - Yoda is rarely wrong - and he has exceedingly good taste :)
You take care now.

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